IMPORTANT: The number of participants in the meetings is limited due to the system – please be fair and press the button "hang up" before moving to a new lecture room or to another company!
- im Bereich Elektronik/Mechatronik
- Abschlussarbeiten
- Jobs für Absolvent:innen
- Berufspraktika
- Praxis für duales Studium
- Ferialarbeit/Nebenjobs
- anderes (z.B. Traineeprogramm, Tag der offenen Türe, Firmenführung für Gruppen etc.)
- Fulltime Internship
- Student jobs in parallel to studies with flexible working time
- Flexible working time
- Home Office opportunities
- On-site free beverages and fresh fruit
- Social events (student get-togethers, networking opportunities, etc.)
NXP Semiconductors combines leading-edge technology with pioneering people to make the connected world better, safer, and more secure. The Austrian site is the center of excellence of leading edge secure contactless solutions for the automotive, IoT, Industry 4.0 and mobile sectors. Focus areas also include Electrification, Digitization and Cybersecurity. Our ~800 permanent and student employees from more than 50 countries are working on innovative solutions
for 26.000 customers worldwide.
Kontaktmöglichkeit für Job-Suchende
Laura Hoser
Talent Acquisition
Mikronweg 1
8101 Gratkorn
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